Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Trip, Sick and Wrapped

We made a quick 30 hour trip out of town to visit a college with my oldest daughter, since there was a day off of school Monday. That meant I did some of my grocery shopping earlier than I might normally. Thanks to having meals planned ahead and making the list it was rather painless for a trip I rarely look forward to. I've noticed that we are having more variety in our meals because I'm planning at least two weeks at a time. Instead of pasta one every seven days it is more like once in 10 days. I'm not sure the family has noticed it yet, but I have and I'm feeling like we are less in a rut with our dinner choices!

Festive area we visited on our mini trip

My youngest daughter woke up ill this morning. Feeling achy, scratchy throat and coughing. She stayed home so and as a result it has thrown off my rhythm for getting some tasks done today. I would have been thrown off by our little trip anyway, so not a big loss. I'm just glad she can be home to get better faster!

I have managed to clean the bathrooms, wash bathroom towels, tidy up some piles of papers and put some travel items away. I reviewed what dinner is tonight (homemade pizza) and everything is prepared for that! It sure helps that I shopped before we traveled.

As far as Christmas preparations, I'm moving at snails pace. I don't feel too much pressure, since I'm very close to completing gifts for everyone. I was able to get a state park entry permit while on our quick trip. That item will get mailed. Today, I was able to wrap two gifts and get them under the tree. For my side of the family, we put a lot of our gifts in stockings, so they don't really need to be wrapped. I just need to know where they are when it is time to put them in the stockings. The cards I plan to send out are ready to go. I think I will put those in the mail on Monday, or take with me to the post office, if I have packages to mail.

I mentioned in my last post a need to do some more planning for the days ahead. I hope to make list and tentative plan while I'm waiting for my daughter during her flute lesson later. It often helps me to take advantage of these short snippets of time by making lists. Lists I can act on later when I have more time.

I look back at this post and it feels a little disjointed and I do feel that way only because of the recent trip and my daughter here at home. I think tomorrow I will be a little more productive and that will help me feel a sense of order.

Has anyone been ill in your home? Do you take advantage of small periods of time to get ideas and lists on paper? Are you feeling disjointed like I am, or more in order?

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