Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wednesday 15 - May 6, 2015

The Wednesday 15!

I'm challenging you to find 15 items you can remove from your home, preferably not just basic household trash, but if you must it can count too. Is there a penalty for not meeting the goal? Of course not. One thing is better than none, right? Is there a reward for meeting the goal. Yes, the joy of finding more space in your home for things you love. Notice how you feel letting these items go that you just don't need. Often it is a feeling of satisfaction and peace. 

I was down to the wire to come up with Wednesday 15 late last night so I could post this, thus this week my accumulations came from looking in a short period of time rather than accumulating over the week. Both work ways work it seems!

I found a majority of this in my laundry room cabinet.
  • Five packages of light bulbs
  • A soap pump
  • Three items related to fixing scratches in wood 
  • Two cards
  • Two maps
  • Static guard aerosol
  • Used magic eraser
I'm leaving the light bulbs, and the box of items to fix cabinet scratches for the new buyers. I recycled the maps, cards and soap container. I tossed the magic eraser. I'm not sure what I will do with the static guard, but I don't want to move it. I might be able to drop at our hazardous waste facility. 

Earlier this week, I tossed a bra that had become worthless to wear. I also made a pile in the garage of things we need to toss, donate or give away. The pile I have for Habitat for Humanity Restore is getting pretty big! I was going to wait until closer to the move, but the pile is getting pretty large. 

Did you find your 15 items this week? Share in the comments or on the Organized Friends Facebook page. It's never to late to find some things to let go of in your home. You won't regret it!

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