Friday, February 17, 2017

Decluttering Bag by Bag: Bag 4

Decluttering Bag by Bag

I popped back into the Bonus Room to check what was in our entertainment center. We do own a lot of movies and games. Most we aren't ready to let go of, but I did find more than I expected. 

We haven't watched the Big Bang Theory on CDs in quite awhile. I still love the show and watch it in reruns or when it airs new on Thursday nights. I've decided we don't need to own these. 

I've bagged them all up to count for Bag 4! I will check to see about selling on eBay first, but otherwise they will be donated for others to enjoy. 

Is this Bag by Bag decluttering motivating you? 
If you haven't decluttered one bag yet, give it a try today!


  1. Yes, this is motivating me.

    1. I've found another bag!

    2. Fantastic! Two bags in one day?! Keep up the great work.

  2. Yesterday I filled a bag with old credit card receipts and paperwork going back three years. There are two file drawers in my desk and while not out of control, they need to be decluttered. This was just the first step.

    1. That is fantastic, Laurie! Paperwork does need to be weeded from time to time. We often keep more than we need in the first place I have found.
