Monday, July 10, 2017

Busy Summer with Routines

I'm still here. Just a little distracted with a project!

I'm prepping a church pew for painting. That has meant sanding, gluing, adding wood putty, and then more sanding. I have been working out on my porch, so after I finish a work session, I need to vacuum up the sawdust! It's been some effort, but I'm very close to being ready to paint. Maybe in two weeks if the weather cooperates.

I'm keeping to my morning routine for the most part this summer. This is getting dressed to shoes for getting my workout in. Unloading the dishwasher and decluttering any areas in the kitchen that need attention. I will admit to waiting until late morning to get the dishwasher unloaded. I always regret when dishes start pilling up right after breakfast!

I have neglected the zone cleaning a little bit because of the project, but I'm still taking care of the normal daily needs of laundry, and bathroom cleaning. The good news is I have handed main bathroom our girls use over to them. Their cleaning day is Monday. They have decided between themselves which tasks are theirs. My main concern is that it is complete by the end of the day.

I think officially, I'm taking a break from zone cleaning during the month of July. I can start back up again in August when I see things being a little less busy, or I may be able to start back up at the end of July. I will let you know when I start up in case you want to follow along.

I'm also keeping to a basic routine for the kitchen in the evening as well. I clean out the cat's food bowl, start coffee, start the dishwasher, put away any dishes I hand washed, and shine the sink. It feels so nice to come into a clean kitchen in the morning.

I have also added a new habit this month. Drinking more water! I'm drinking two to three liters of water a day. I some large mason jars that I'm using to keep track of the amount I drink. I especially like the water with lemon. With the heat and humidity our area is experiencing I found it was really necessary to make sure I'm hydrated when outside.

Summer can be busy and more unscheduled than usual. I have found it is still possible to keep up with the basic routines despite the change. It may mean that some tasks get done at different times or different days, but they still get done.

I will remind you also, that summer is a great time when the kids are home to declutter their rooms. This gives you a chance to see if there are games, toys, and even clothing that have outgrown. And if they have outgrown the clothing, you can make a list of what items need to be purchased in the coming months.

What routines are you keeping up with this summer?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I need to sort through my kids clothes! It's so much easier now there's less - excluding the stuff in the cupboard in the hallway, that is...

    I've just been trying to give a quick clean at the end of the day. And putting laundry away, but I've let that slip a bit (mostly our stuff, I always put the kids stuff away)
