Saturday, October 21, 2017

Getting Things Done: Blood Draw

I despise getting blood work done. But it's the month of Getting Things Done, so I'm forcing myself to just get it done!!

Part of the reason I procrastinate is I've been known to faint. Thus I avoid the fainting. Luckily, I have learned over the years to advocate for myself. I must lay down every single time!! And I have to tell them what kind of needle to use (the smallest one they have).

As a good patient, I didn't eat after midnight and went in first thing in the morning. I was even early. Once the lab opened I was the first one to be seen. Yay! No extra waiting and worry.

The bad news was the lab tech picked the wrong vein to start with, but I agreed to a second poke with an even smaller needle and had success! Now let's hope that's done for at least another year.

Seriously?! What do you procrastinate (even if for a good reason)? Can you get it done? I feel so much better to have it off my list!

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