Sunday, December 10, 2017

Wrapping Up Christmas

This was a fairly light week in regards to Christmas preparations.

All items that were ordered online arrived in the mail over several days this week. By Friday, I was able to get everything wrapped! Yes, my Christmas wrapping is done. Happy dancing!!

I picked up the last Christmas stocking stuffer, only to have two arrive in the mail that were the wrong colors. I now need to return those and find replacements. At least those items will not need to be wrapped.

Since I have the packages wrapped, I was able to put the ones I'm mailing in boxes. I mentioned on the Facebook group that you can pay for postage online with the US postal service and have packages picked up my your regular mail person. I plan to do that later in the month when it is actually time for mailing.

I made dough for a new cookie recipe we are trying this year. They are Double Chocolate Mint cookies. The cookies have been baked and frozen Since they need to be dipped in chocolate, I am doing that part just before we gift them after mid month. We are also considering making butter cookies, but I'm on the fence about the need to make those. My thought is we have enough and don't need to add more sugar to be eaten. That will save us some time in the kitchen if I skip those.

For the most part our preparations are complete, we are really to the point of enjoying the festivities in our town and in our home. I've watched a couple Christmas movies and have one or two more that I hope to catch. I'm really looking forward to our college daughter returning home and spending time together as a family. Most likely we will eat, play games and watch movies together. I think and hope for it to be restorative time for all of us.

I hope your holiday plans are coming together! Did your preparations in November help make December less stressful this year? If you are still in the midst of the busyness, remember to consider if what is on your list is important. If not, cross it off!

And finally, remember to take time to relax and enjoy!! Christmas is no fun for anyone if we are stressed out.