Friday, March 16, 2018

2018 Decluttering: Paper Purge Continues

As an organized person, I have to say I did a fantastic job of organizing the paper that came into our lives. But unfortunately, as a lover of the data and information I have kept far too much paper! Or at least kept it for too long. 

I have once again released more files! Yes, I did scan some documents for reference. The odds are low they will ever be needed, but this is the step I'm taking now. I have been ruthless, too. My future self doesn't need to know how much we bought our van for in 2008. It's irrelevant. It's paid for. We have the title. It's in the past. Yes, this is the kind of thing I find interesting and thus the reason I have saved paper for longer than needed. 

I shredded the 27 pieces of paper on the left. 

The pile on the right contains 33 EMPTY file folders which have accumulated over the course of the last month as I have been decluttering paper. I'm not tossing those yet or adding them to the count. I want to complete the entire paper decluttering process before making a decision on them. 

And just before I started to write this post, I went through the college mailings my daughter has been receiving these last few months. I cut the amount in half and found another 15 items to be recycled. 

As of this writing I have decluttered 1422 items in 2018. 
I know I've done a lot of paper, but it's hard work. It is definitely worth counting!!

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