Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Spring Decluttering Projects

Spring is here! Or should be any day now. :) It's very common for us to want to start fresh in some way. For some it's decluttering, others it's cleaning, and likely for others some new goal to focus on. 

Here are a few areas you can declutter rather quickly this spring. Quick projects build those decluttering muscles as well as momentum for accomplishing more! 

  • Christmas Cards - Do you have a pile or stack of these laying around still? If so, for what purpose? Checking addresses? Take a few minutes to find the ones you need to update and add the new information to your database. Next cull through the photos and keep only the ones with the most meaning. Yes, you can put a photo in the trash, no one will be the wiser if you kept it or not!
  • Winter Coats - Are there any that you did not wear this season? Any that your children outgrew that need to be passed on to someone who will use them. Make a mental note to wash any on the next really warm day. And consider, adding a note on your calendar for early June to take any coats to the dry cleaner. And while you are at it go through gloves, hats, scarves and boots. What can you let go of? 
  • Magazines and Catalogs - Did you get a lot of catalogs during the holiday shopping season? Time to pull those out and recycle. If you have a subscription, pull out the older months that you have already read. If you aren't reading these consider cancelling your subscription and have one less thing coming into your home! I've noticed Pinterest often allows me to look at the pretty pictures without buying or subscribing to a magazine. 
  • Pantry/Spices - Dig into your pantry and check your food and spice stores for expired items. This is especially good to do before entertaining. You don't want a family member to pull out the old expired can of corn instead of the one you just purchased. If you come across something you won't use, but is not expired consider donating it to a local food bank so someone can use it. 
  • Under the Sink - Yes, get done on the floor and see what you have under there! It can be a dumping ground for so many cleaners and chemicals. If you don't like how it smells, or how it works, it's time to let it go. Many municipalities have place to drop off these types of things. Make a point to find out where and when you can drop the old off for proper disposal. 
  • Children's Clothing - This is the perfect time of year to go through your children's closets to declutter what they have outgrown, refused to wear or no longer like, or will not fit next season. You are likely to be bringing in new sizes for spring and summer, so check all seasons of clothing and let go of the old to make room for the new! 
  • Bookshelves - Are yours full and overflowing? Are books stuffed every which way? You do not need another bookshelf! As you straighten, and add your new books, look for those to let go of. If you just think you may want to read again, check your library and see if it would be available there if you end up needing it. If that is the case, let it go to make room for the new books. We tend to keep far more than we will ever have time to read. 
  • Linen Closet - Is yours stuffed full? Do you have sheets that don't fit any of the beds you own? Are any too worn to use, or ripped? Yes, these need to go. Donate to a charity, a humane society or thrown in the trash if beyond anyone's use. Generally two sets of sheets per bed is plenty, thus only one extra set per bed should be in the linen closet. Remember to evaluate the blankets and table cloths also, we often use far less than we have on hand. With less in the closet, the easier it will be to find what you really do use and need. 
Let me know if you do one of these quick projects. Tell me how it went! I'm cheering for you. 


  1. Those are all good ideas!

  2. I pitched two photo-boxes of broken crayons and miscellaneous markers and colored pencils. I have two spare boxes of Crayolas and my sons have colored pencils and markers in their pencils bags. It was so NICE to see those go!

    1. The crayons and pencils add up over the years don't they?! One would have to be doing a lot of coloring to ever use them all it seems. Great work!
