Friday, June 1, 2018

2018 Decluttering: May Update

I started off in May with a Challenge to myself to fill a box full with donations. I did expect I would get some help adding to the box, but that did not happen. I have easily mentioned the box every week this month to my family AND it has been sitting out in plain sight for everyone to see. I think at this point it has become a fixture and is no longer noticed!

Drum roll...I added eleven items to the box. A very slow month indeed.

I did sell two other items on eBay.

I deleted A LOT of emails off my computer yesterday, and counted that as five items decluttered.

And then to make myself feel better I deleted the unnecessary pictures on my phone. I counted those as five also.

In total, I decluttered a paltry 27 items. I'm not sure what the other four items were, maybe some boxes I donated to the neighbor for her move? All I know is my 2018 count was 1601 at the end of April and now my total is 1628.

I'm still making progress, right? I should be happy with that. The One Box Challenge was helpful as a reminder to keep looking despite the low return on the investment. And please don't take my paltry results as a reason not to try it yourself. Many people have found it to be very helpful.

I expect I will reach 2018 items by the end of the year. Only 391 items to go and 7 months to find them. That is an average of about 56 items per month, so I will need to step up my game in the coming months. I expect June to be a slow month only because we have guests coming for a visit and two trips planned!

Tell me how your decluttering went this month. What goal or challenge have you given yourself for June?

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