Thursday, February 25, 2016

Decluttering By Letters: Y

Why isn't Y the last letter of the alphabet? We are almost done with our Alphabet Challenge. I think we can push through to find a couple more things in our home to declutter. The letter Y has some interesting options, too:

Yellow colored items
Yellowed items
Yesterday's mail
Yesterday's newspaper
Yankee candles
Youngest child's room
Yahoo account emails
Yard equipment
Yard toys
Yard sale leftovers
Yard sale purchases
Your stuff
Year old stuff

I really want to let go of some (one) high school year book. I have been procrastinating it, since I know I have to go through each one to decide. And I know that will take time. And honestly, maybe I'm just not ready to let go yet. Which is fine, too. Update: I looked through them all and decided they all had something in them worth keeping. :)

For this post, I'm getting rid of old emails in my inbox. I happen to have a Yahoo account. Lucky me! I also figured that emails I can delete are from yesterday and beyond. I maybe stretching the definition, but I'm getting the clutter out of my inbox! That we can agree is what is most important. After I deleted and rerouting my emails, I had just 16 emails left in my inbox. I didn't keep track of how many I deleted, but it was more than 16!

What will you decluttering for the letter Y? Do you have other ideas that could be classified under Y?

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