Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Decluttering By Letters: X

We are decluttering the letter X today! I could probably just say there is nothing that begins with X, so yea we are done. But what about the eXtra stuff we have in our homes that hasn't been decluttering yet? There is always more. Trust me! We really need so little.

Here are my letter X decluttering ideas (which yes, I did need to stretch to get):

X Ray film
Xmas trees
Xmas decorations
Xerox documents (another way to say paper!)
eXpired foods
eXpired medicines

I went with the eXtras theme. I found some extra postcards last month while decluttering keepsakes. These were postcards picked up at various places primarily as souvenirs. I'm decluttering them by using them! I'm sending notes to my daughter in college on them about every week. I've already use three or four, and have four more to go. I suppose this could be like passing on the clutter, but I'm hoping she will recycle the ones she doesn't want.

Do you have any eXtra items to declutter? Do you have other ideas for the letter X?


  1. I always have something... I've got an old watch for yesterday's letter. I probably have expired foods hiding in the back of my cupboards.

    1. Watch is a good one for W! Good luck finding those expired items.
