Tuesday, May 20, 2014

In A Quick Thirty Minutes...Organized!

Oh, I feel so much better. I did get to the basement and finished putting things away from the garage sale mess I made this weekend. I didn't think I would get to it today, but I found a little chunk of time just perfect for this task.

Remember from yesterday, that this is what it looked like before:

Notice the art in the lower right corner...

Too much stuff on the floor

I started with the easy task of just getting the games and the few toys put back on the plastic shelf unit. For the most part everything went right back where I found it. I was going to put all that art back on the shelf where I originally found it, but then I noticed EMPTY bins. All art to the bin for safe keeping and looking neater.

Finally, I put as many things that were on the floor back to where they belonged. I will admit that several of the items in that little bin with the pink ribbon got moved to another room. But I have a plan and they are located where they need to be to execute the plan. :)  So...I think it is much much better now than it was yesterday. Hey and it took me less than 30 minutes to complete.

Oh look an empty space on that left middle shelf! 

This area is neater, but I don't like how much stuff is still on the floor.
My next project (really!) is to get the items in the green and blue bins below out to that cabinet in the garage. I think this is another task that will take less than 30 minutes. It might take a little more time to make labels. But that is the fun part!!

Ah, it feels good to get things tidy. After I completed this little project, I actually began making dinner at 2 pm today. We have a lot going on tonight. I wanted to have dinner ready to heat and serve soon after we return home. I'm browning meat for tacos, and cutting up lettuce and tomatoes for tacos. The shells and meat can quickly be heated in the microwave when we return. It helps my mood even more to know that dinner is a non issue tonight when we return. And no stopping for take out, saves money!

Is there a project you have at home that might take less than 30 minutes to complete? Can you think of a time that would be best to complete that? If so, make it a date. And does anyone else meal prep on busy nights?

I have linked this post to A Bowl Full of Lemons today for their One Project At A Time linky party.

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