Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Christmas Cards Completed!

I'm really liking this extra time to prepare for the upcoming holidays!! Do I say that everyday?!I'm getting quite a bit done, but it is not consuming my days or weeks. I may still be feeling a little stress at times, but then I remember I have plenty of time yet!
I wrote Christmas cards today. Most of the envelopes had previously been addressed and address labels attached. Today I wrote in each card, included at photo, sealed the envelope and put a stamp on. I would say I spent an hour or less on this. I had less than 35 cards. If I had more, I would have spent a few sessions working on them.


Since my last post, three more gifts have arrived in the mail. I also ordered one more. That means I will need another mini wrapping session later in the week!

I think I will interrupt my Christmas planning for some Thanksgiving planning this week. I need to confirm with my mom on food I'm bringing. Once I do that I hope to get to the grocery store before the weekend for those items and groceries for the rest of month. I have quite a few things to take with us on our visit for Thanksgiving, so I also need to make a list and gather all the items together. I also need to make arrangements for the cats to be checked on once or twice while we are away.

I also need to get caught up on some cleaning around the house and some final decluttering before the holidays. I have a scheduled date with myself to drop off items at Goodwill this Monday, November 24. Feel free to do the same at your house! There is something about giving away things before the end of the year that makes me feel lighter and blessed.

What can you do this week to prepare for Thanksgiving or Christmas? Are you taking time to slow down and decide what is really important to do? What are you thankful for?

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