Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Early Christmas Tasks

My brain is definitely in the planning and thinking stage about Christmas. Just like I did last year, I need to use my blog to write down some items I want to complete. The sooner I do them the less stress I have later. Here's what I feel I need to do in the next week to ten days:

  • Check Christmas lights. (How many? Do they work? Do we need more?)
  • Check wrapping supplies
  • Make a list of things we want to bake and how much
  • Decide when to bake
  • Make a grocery list of ingredients for baking
  • Try writing a Christmas letter (if that doesn't work, decide if cards are being sent)
Did you notice that my list is six items? If I give myself ten days to get these items figured out then I don't even need to do something each day for those ten days! That feels manageable. 

In other news, I have two other gifts purchased. I bought them online. Total cost with shipping was $9.80. The items are for my daughters. They will likely be a stocking stuffer. The items will take up quite a bit of space too! Yes. Early progress feels good. 

Do you have a list of things to help you prepare for Christmas? Can you get some of them done now or in the next ten days?

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