My theme for the year is Relax and Breathe. I may have mentioned it before! It’s a theme that I hope invites me to find what is relaxing; to notice if I am breathing instead of being tense. I noticed in early January that much of my social media use was making me tense. I also noticed social media seems great at distracting us by other voices. In fact, you are reading my voice now…interesting thought huh? It’s definitely human nature to what to know what others think and do. We are designed to connect and create with one another. However, I wondered if less social media would help me hear my own voice more, to help me to get clear on what I think, what I feel, what I want.
Thus my experiment in February was to step back from social media. Specifically, my goal was to use it significantly less. Like a lot less! It may seem that I was in online in our Organized Friends group more, but that’s because I was using it to keep me focused on my decluttering, an essential task for 2023. If I am on Facebook, I’m doing one of two things, creating content for this group and responding your comments, or posting a sunrise picture for my friends and family with an inspirational thought.
I took several steps in order to make this change.
My first step was to unfollow any and all pages and influencers that I knew did not inspire me. Those were often the ones that shared negative news, or had a tendency come from a place of fear. Initially, this did require being on social media of course! In time when I was on any of my preferred apps, I noticed there was just far less content to interact with. With less to look at, my time on the app was diminished significantly. I whittled the content down to what is essential for this season of my life.
Next, I changed how I interacted with my phone in the morning. The morning seems the easiest time for me to get caught up in social media. I purposely put my phone on the kitchen counter in the morning, away from where I am doing my morning routine of journaling and reading. I do give myself 20-30 minutes after to peruse the social media. Often a YouTube video or an article will catch my eye. I generally save that for later in the day. In other words, I am prioritizing what is worthy of my time.
Once I realized how effective the change was with my phone in my early morning, I changed how I interacted with it while getting ready in the morning. It was as simple as leaving my phone outside of the bathroom! Can you believe I get ready faster now? I’m not looking at my phone while trying to dry my hair or brush my teeth! I think the outside world can wait while I shower for the day!
Since I was on social media less this month, I found alternative things to do with my down time. I think it’s important to prepare for this in advance, as the social media habit can run deep for some of us. We might feel literally disconnected and out of sorts initially. A plan gives you alternative things to do with your hands and mind. One of my main priorities for the month of February was to reduce photos and memorabilia. It’s a big job! The lack of time spent on social media opened up to give me time and attention to focus on this task. I also read a little more and found time to write some blog posts, like the one you are reading now. I’ll be honest the progress on the memorabilia has been beyond my expectations and I am absolutely certain my new social media habits have helped.
Towards the end of the month, I also decided to stop keep keeping social media tabs open on my computer. The visual tab seems to be a reminder to click and check again…is there anything new to look at? Taking the visual cue away has been very helpful. If I have zero tabs open, then when I do need to use my computer, I am more focused on what is essential, i.e. the task at hand. I probably could have a tag line for my theme this year…Relax and Breathe, focus on what is essential!
A few years ago, I read a book called What Falls From the Sky, by Ester Emery. She chronicled her intention and success to live without internet for 365 day. She found happiness again and a connection to God. This is not surprising to me. We are in a world with a lot of opinions, judgements, expectations and ideas. I believe this ultimately disconnects from our natural spirit, creativity and the uniqueness of our own voice, and our own path we are here to achieve. I recommend the book if you desire further inspiration and ideas.
While I did not use any apps or settings on my phone to manage or track my social media time, they are available. The tracking might first simply bring you more awareness of how much time you are actually using social media. Many of us use it far more than we realize. Awareness comes before taking action and making change.
Ultimately, my experiment has worked. I’m using social media less. I am more relaxed. I acknowledge that I probably have more work to do to reduce my social media habits. Can I get to a point where I don’t look at it for days at a time? I do wonder and find that very intriguing! I’m sure there are many out there that already do this and I commend you. We all have habits we have never formed or can easily shift from, just as we all have habits and thought patterns that are just who we are. I love this season of life I am in where I am really figuring out who I am, who I want to be and what habits make up that person!
I’d love to hear about how you manage your social media habits. Do you have one time a day or week you use social media? Are you in a similar boat, where you are aware of overusing social media, or you don’t like what you are interacting with and want to use it far less? Tell me!!
P.S. I do appreciate YOU spending a little time with me here at Organized Friends. I appreciate that we all want to improve our homes and lives through organization and habits. I know there is value in sharing! If you decide this space is no longer essential for you, I commend you for knowing that too! In time, I may even need to let this space go if I no longer find it essential.
I enjoyed the article as your thoughts on social media resonate with me. I am spending less time scrolling for sure. I am more likely to seek out the page of a friend or family member than to just start reading whatever the algorithms of Facebook have selected and the tiresome ads. Really tiresome. I am eager to keep editing for more peace of mind and focus. I have thought of getting off completely and will follow that thought for clarity!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the ideas Carrie. We get to choose 100% of the time. We just need to make our choices with awareness. We can get mesmerized by the bright shiny objects. But that is usually nothing about peace and the heart!πππ
Yes, awareness is key! Good tip to just seek out exactly what you are looking for.
DeleteI'm so happy to see you're blogging again. I'd love to hear about your new home purchase (I read your other blog too). I've missed your posts. I've started setting select times for me to check social media, because it used to consume/waste half my day. I'm self employed, so having a good routine with set social media times, helped me be more productive.