Sunday, November 29, 2020

Christmas Cleanout: Day 6 of 20

Welcome back to another report of my Christmas Cleanout!

I feel a bit as if I'm using the same energy of what a new year, the turn of the calendar often spurs us to do in January. Often, we all want to wipe the slate clean and start anew, fresh. I like that feeling don't you? 

Today, my decluttering session was in our living room. I peeked into the drawers of our coffee table and end table. 

I only took a picture of one end table drawer. The other was empty! 

Late last year I started teaching myself to crochet. I'm learning different stitches. So this is my stash, along with a photo book and a coffee table book. 

Above are the drawers of the end table. Wii accessories (for a Wii that doesn't live here), a few electronic accessories and a battery charger. The third drawer holds the cat brushes, her catnip and some toys. I will be asking our daughters about the Wii accessories, since their systems are with them and they may want these, if not I should let them go. 

I combined the electronic items in one drawer, leaving the middle one free for something else. That something else is to be determined. I cleaned out the cat drawer, choosing a couple toys to let go of.

I moved a remote to here in our new remote organizer that a member of Organized Friends bought for her house. I knew it would help keep the table top clear and tidy.

I simplified this drawer, leaving only the yarn, unfinished projects and crochet hooks. I moved the books to the other end table drawer that was empty. So much better!

In the end, I found some random things to toss. We are keeping Liberty our cat, of course! She was curious what I was doing with the drawer as she knows the brushes and catnip come out of there. 

How is your Christmas Cleanout going? Do you have any drawers to take a peek into? You just might find some things to let go of? Please feel free to share your success in the comments or on the Organized Friends Facebook page. 

1 comment:

  1. I have not been doing well with cleaning, which makes me sad. As an Ebay seller, I'm just too busy working this time of year.

    If your daughters no longer want the wii accessories, be sure to sell them. The controllers especially will bring good money. We're saving all our Nintendo stuff, because the value increases with time.

    I'm gonna try to do a 30 minute declutter today.
