Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Christmas Cleanout: Day 7 of 20

The Christmas Cleanout continues! 

Today, I keep it simple. I'm making a final decision on one item. This artificial tree.  We have had it for at least twenty years! It has endured four moves, and during the last one it sustained some damage. I have tried to sell it with no takers. I'm sure it's not the current style, so the decision is...

I'm sending it to work with my husband to donate to one of their offices. It will bring a little pop to a room with no windows. Seems like a better option than the trash!

The decision making process is more than half the battle sometimes! Can you make one decision on one thing you are procrastinating, or keep changing your mind about? For me it feels good to finally determine this item really has to leave. 

How is your Christmas Cleanout going? Share in the comments or on the Organized Friends Facebook page. 


  1. Oh Carrie, you know me too well. I have two things to decide about--my grandma's platform rocker and an old cupboard.

    1. Glad I could help!! Decluttering is all about decision making and it does get complicated with emotions.
