Monday, September 30, 2019

October Focus Kickoff

Welcome to October!

The most recent poll on our Organized Friends Facebook page was a tie between starting Christmas planning in October vs November. We are beginning now! This month will primarily focus on planning, deep cleaning and decluttering, rather than baking and shopping.

Our ultimate goal isn't to create more stress this month, but to find some time to get some things out of the way that can reduce stress later. Below I have a few suggestions and tips, but of course, what you decide to do is personal and can be adjusted to fit your home and lifestyle.


Planning ahead is always the key to accomplishing big projects. Getting ideas on paper, making lists and scheduling tasks are where you want to focus any time you spend on planning in October. You will thank yourself in November, and maybe cry tears of joy in December!

Gather a notebook, planner and calendar
Make appointments (furnace, pets, carpet cleaning, photo sessions, medical and personal care)
Evaluate Christmas expectations and tasks
Make gift and card lists, gather addresses
Make a list of things to stock up on

Deep Cleaning

I personally need to do all of the deep cleaning tasks listed below. I have scheduled this on my October calendar and will post my accomplishments later in the month. Keep your deep cleaning simple and focus on the most important tasks that are right for your home in October.

Clean oven and stove top
Dust baseboards
Clear the cobwebs off the ceiling
Dust ceiling fans
Clean off front porch, wash the glass door
Clean out fridge and microwave


Decluttering doesn't have to be all encompassing this month.  Focus on the areas you know stress you out and that might make you want to avoid having company over. Decluttering clothes and toys of children can help you know what they already have, what they need, and what can be removed to make space for new things. Weeding through the paper pile before things get busier will make the pile in January less overwhelming, if you did a quick pass though in October. Did you notice I said a quick pass? That means you should try to keep these decluttering missions short, only 15 or 20 minutes at a time. Those small amounts of time WILL help, trust me!

Toss expired medicines and spices (add replacements to a shopping list)
Sort, toss, organize and put away the visible paper pile
Declutter adult clothing
Declutter children's clothing
Declutter kids toys
Drop decluttered items at a thrift or charity shop

I will chime in about three to four times per week here on the blog to give you updates on what I have done. I will link these posts on the Organized Friends Facebook group, and chime in with other tips and questions on days I do not have a post for you here.

Will you focus on all three areas? Or just one or two? Tell me about what you want to complete in October to help reduce stress in November and December.

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