Thursday, August 13, 2020

Healthy Habits: Affirmations

Let's talk about my affirmation habit.

So much has changed in our outer world in the last few months, much of it that can have us feeling worry and fear. These thoughts and feelings can perpetuate themselves, building their own momentum. Our mental health is going to be important as we continue to move forward, as the mind believes what we tell it. I want to stay mentally well in the coming months, thus the reason I picked this as a healthy habit. 

I first learned about affirmations from my high school track coach. The mind is so powerful, that these statements can help bring about the belief in one's ability and at least counteract when our mind has doubts or negative thoughts. 

There are many, many people who write about affirmations, so I will encourage you to do your own search for the affirmation statements that might be right for you. I picked four to work on and listen to. I expect I will switch them up at some point, or add to them. 

I am focusing on my affirmations for the first ten minutes while I am on my morning walk. I found a free app called Think Up where I recorded my four affirmations in my own voice. 

I have now linked my affirmations practice with my walk. This is my favorite way to incorporate new habits by linking them to an existing one. 

Have you heard of affirmations? Do you practice them regularly? 


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