Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Editing and Directing

“The Only Person You are Destined to Become is the Person You Decide to Be” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

We all have many roles we play in this life. Child, parent, spouse, employee and so forth. Have you ever considered that one of our roles is Creative Director? And often editor as well? Our lives are full of choices and possibilities, thus as we choose we are directing various paths our lives can take. 

Last year, I set out to redirect my health choices. The previous direction of ten or more years prior, had me on medications for anxiety and depression, eating processed foods and becoming at times 40 pounds overweight and feeling regular back pain. While I had made various changes over that time, I was ready to create a healthy body and mind. I set out to direct my life and habits in a way to make that happen.

I spent 2022, focusing on sleep, hydration, nourishing whole foods, and exercise. I also spent time journalling working on my mindset, understanding my emotions and giving myself pep talks. No shame or guilt for where I had been, because I was building a new path. I was focused on moving forward. 

I learned that as a director I could choose to eat protein based meals that kept me satiated until the next meal. I directed myself to no longer be a person who eats snacks. In time, I even directed my choices to exclude anything with sugar! So in this case my food choices were edited in a sense to the essential whole foods. 

I started the year with a basic framework and had to continue to edit and adjust the story. I introduced new characters, namely my chiropractor and a woman on YouTube who has video workouts that work for me in the winter months when I choose not to get out and walk! 

The beauty of this type of perspective, being our editor and director, is that we get to choose the path, the direction of the story. It will change over time as the story (our life) evolves. We are the ones choosing and editing to create the version of ourselves we want to see or become in the story. 

I believe this director role can be applied to so may aspects of our lives. We can use it in our careers and our roles as parents or spouses. We can direct our financial and home beautification and organization journeys.

Most of you reading have joined me on Organized Friends to share our organization and decluttering journeys. We most definitely can direct the show in our home. We are the editors when we declutter, letting go of the unneeded trinkets and objects that distract from the scene we want to live in. We are even the set and costume designers as we chose what the home will look like or what we will wear!

Our job individually, is to be our the director and editor of our own lives. I think this perspective can lead to asking questions about what we want that life to look like. What do we need to change if a different scene is needed? What needs to be edit in or out to create the life we wish to create? 

I’m cheering for you in finding whatever direction or perspective you need to create the life you love!

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