Friday, April 14, 2023

Recent Ways I Have Simplified My Life

In recent months, I have made several changes that have simplified my life for the better. I’m sharing only for inspiration. None of us have to be just like each other doing things exactly the same way! 

The first was to overhaul my diet. This one goes back to January 2022. I needed to lose weight, so I chose to eat only whole foods. I primarily ate meat, vegetables and some fruit. I didn’t eliminate dairy, but I did reduce it. I also chose to stop snacking, keeping my eating to just three meals per day. I eliminated entire products like sugar, wheat and nearly anything processed coming in a package. I did lose weight, and I saved money and guilt by eliminating processed foods which I know are not good for my longevity. 

At the same time I changed my diet, I stopped drinking alcohol. I had stopped drinking soda the year prior. At this point, my beverages consist of water, coffee and tea. I avoid for the most part buying liquids in single use containers. This has reduced what we need to buy and recycle each week! 

I previously mentioned cutting back on social media by unfollowing accounts that didn’t inspire me. I’m still on social media, but by eliminating the accounts I follow, I have less there that I interact with and spend less time there. Twitter is basically out now. I generally look at Instagram for 30 minutes at the most in the morning. I have just a few tasks on Facebook each day. I’m looking to reduce my time on YouTube, but I am grateful for how I have currently simplified. We are all a work in progress!

The decluttering done during the recent daily challenge, A Journey to Peace in Our Homes, was a phenomenal clearing out that I am continuing. While I was able to clear out about half a van load of things, I am most pleased with how it has simplified my mind. I had many of those things on my mind…knowing I needed to deal with them. Ah, seriously, so grateful for how simplifying relaxes my mind. 

I stopped getting a receipt for purchases at Target. I use the Target app when I pay, which has all their coupons and my card attached. Scan and go. I simply make a point to record the receipt in our budgeting app before I pull out of the parking lot. I can use the app to return any item as well, so the receipt isn’t needed. One less piece of paper to carry around, just to later throw away. 

This last one is the most recent and is, well, simple! I started using reusable bags again at the grocery store. I had six brand new ones, bought for another reason, that I was able to just start using. While I do need to remember to take them with me, this has simplified the closet which would get packed with excess bags. We use some for trash cans, but they come in faster than we use them! Plus if I would forget to take them back for recycling the closet would get worse. By using the reusable ones, I have simplified the space. Turns out I’m more likely to remember the cloth ones, then taking back the used ones. 

I wish to be in harmony with my mind and home, as a result I’m always on the lookout for ways to simplify life. Have you found new ways to simplify in your life recently? What is working for you? I’d love to hear about it. 

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