Monday, October 2, 2023

October Goals

Hello October! 

It's still beautiful almost summer like heat here and I am soaking up every minute of it!

I did a clean up of my desk again. I filed and shredded papers. I added dates to calendar. I am ready for a new month, and new goals. 

I continue to work on my health. Eating whole foods, hydrating with water, walking even more than I did this summer and lifting weights. It takes time to come back into balance. My main goal is to continue to be consistent and know the results will come in time.

In October, I hope to do a quick house declutter with the goal of getting the excess donated at month's end. I did a lot earlier this year, so I don't expect to find a lot, but I know there are things not being used. Specifically, I have summer wear I didn't use at all...time for those things to go! 

I will spend time doing more deep cleaning tasks. A few of those items are getting the heavier bedding washed, dust for ceiling cobwebs as well as ceiling fans. We have at least two minor projects to do in the garage before it gets cold. 

I bought some fabric on Friday. I have two or three items I plan to sew. The goal is to have them complete by the end of the month. I will likely use the first week to plan exactly what I am doing and set up my machine. I can use one or two days the next three weeks to complete the projects. 

I will continue to prep for Christmas because I know how doing a few things early eases the stress in December. I can continue to shop for stocking stuffers, write Christmas cards, and brainstorm gift ideas. I can get a new red pen, and gift wrap tape now. I need wrapping paper, but I probably can't find the paper until November. I'm also doing research on some outdoor decorations that I may add this year. These things take just a few minutes a week, this is not a big time commitment. 

Self Care. Projects. Decluttering. Deep Cleaning. Christmas Preparations. Those are my areas of focus in October in addition to enjoying the weather and time with my family.

 Do you have goals, plans, or things you want to accomplish this month? Brainstorm, then decide what is most important. Focus on the steps needed to get these done by month end. Schedule when you might work on these, rather than hoping it all gets done! Don't forget the most important step, ACTION! 



  1. Those are great goals. I need to be consistent with lifting weights again too.
    I'm trying to get organised for L's birthday (S wrote a list for her) and start planning for Christmas

    1. Thanks, Sarah! My daughter, husband and I joined a gym back in January, so that helps me get the weights in. Lists are a great start for birthdays, as well as Christmas!
